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This function is currently not implemented on Windows.


ps_fs_stat(paths, follow = TRUE)



Paths to files, directories, devices, etc. They must exist. They are expanded using base::path.expand().


Whether to follow symbolic links. If FALSE it returns information on the links themselves.


Data frame with one row for each path in paths. Columns:

  • path: Expanded paths.

  • dev_major: Major device ID of the device the path resides on.

  • dev_minor: Minor device ID of the device the path resodes on.

  • inode: Inode number.

  • mode: File type and mode (permissions). It is easier to use the type and permissions columns.

  • type: File type, character. One of regular file, directory, character device, block device, FIFO, symbolic link, socket.

  • permissions: Permissions, numeric code in an integer column.

  • nlink: Number of hard links.

  • uid: User id of owner.

  • gid: Group id of owner.

  • rdev_major: If the path is a device, its major device id, otherwise NA_integer_.

  • rdev_minor: IF the path is a device, its minor device id, otherwise NA_integer_.

  • size: File size in bytes.

  • block_size: Block size for filesystem I/O.

  • blocks: Number of 512B blocks allocated.

  • access_time: Time of last access.

  • modification_time: Time of last modification.

  • change_time: Time of last status change.


ps_fs_stat(c(".", tempdir()))
#> # A data frame: 2 × 18
#>   path      dev_major dev_minor  inode  mode type  permissions nlink   uid
#>   <chr>         <int>     <int>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>       <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 .                 8         1 566183 16877 dire…         493     2  1001
#> 2 /tmp/Rtm…         8         1 564358 16832 dire…         448     8  1001
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: gid <dbl>, rdev_major <int>, rdev_minor <int>,
#> #   size <dbl>, block_size <dbl>, blocks <dbl>, access_time <dttm>,
#> #   modification_time <dttm>, change_time <dttm>