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The “load” represents the processes which are in a runnable state, either using the CPU or waiting to use the CPU (e.g. waiting for disk I/O). On Windows this is emulated by using a Windows API that spawns a thread which keeps running in background and updates results every 5 seconds, mimicking the UNIX behavior. Thus, on Windows, the first time this is called and for the next 5 seconds it will return a meaningless (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) vector. The numbers returned only make sense if related to the number of CPU cores installed on the system. So, for instance, a value of 3.14 on a system with 10 logical CPUs means that the system load was 31.4% percent over the last N minutes.




Numeric vector of length 3.


#> [1] 0.92 0.53 0.23